Buch Pangara - Corky Coral Tree
Erythrina suberosa Roxb.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Equisetopsida Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Erythrina
Species: Erythrina suberosa
Scientific Name: Erythrina suberosa Roxb.
Common names
English : Corky Coral Tree.
Hindi: Mandar, Pangra, Dauldhak
Marathi: Buch Pangara. Pangiri
Deciduous trees, to 10 m high, bark grey, corky, deeply cracked; branchlets tomentose, armed. Leaves trifoliate, alternate; stipules about 5 mm long, lateral, lanceolate; rachis 7.5-12.5 cm long, stout, puberulent, pulvinate; petiolule upto 10 mm; stipels gland like, leaflets 15-10 x 5.5-12 cm, rhomboid-ovate, base deltoid or truncate, apex acute or obtuse, margin entire or sinuate, glabrous above and wooly pubescent beneath, coriaceous; 3-ribbed from the base, lateral nerves 4-5 pairs, pinnate, prominent, intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, about 4 cm long, bright scarlet, in axillary and terminal racemes; bracts lanceolate, cauducous; calyx tube about 5 mm long, campanulate, splitting to become bilabiate, glabrous; corolla exserted; petals 5, standard oblong, 3.8 x 2 cm, sessile, the wings minute, keels about 1.8 cm long, connate; stamens 10, monadelphous, the vexillary filament free in the upper two thirds; filaments 6 and 8 mm; anthers uniform; ovary inferior, oblong, downy-pubescent, stipitate, 1-celled, ovules many; style to 1 cm, curved, subulate at apex, not bearded, stigma capitate. Fruit a pod, to 15 cm long, linear-falcate, torulose, follicular, with spongy packing between seeds; seeds 2-5, dark reddish-brown, subreniform.