Calabash Tree

Calabash Tree

Crescentia cujete


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Crescentia
Species: Crescentia cujete
Scientific Name: Crescentia cujete L. Syn Crescentia acuminata Kunth

Common names
English: Beggar’s Bowl Tree, Calabash Tree


Marathi: Kalabash, Fakiracha Wadga


Small tree with a crooked growth form, low and much-branched, able to grow up to able 10 m tall. Trunk: Fissured and grey bark. Green oblanceolate leaves, alternate arrangement, measuring about 4 - 26 cm long and 1 - 7.5 cm wide, subsessile; yellow tubular flowers with purple veins, solitary or sometimes paired and about 5 cm long, musty fragrance. Fruit is a large, green globular berry about 13 - 20 cm long and up to 30 cm wide, attached to the trunk and branches, contains flat seeds which are embedded in the pulp.

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