Muchkund - Bayur tree or Karnikara tree

Muchkund - Bayur tree or Karnikara tree

Pterospermum acerifolium


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Equisetopsida
Order: Malvales
Family: Malvaceae Genus: Pterospermum
Species: Pterospermum acerifolium
Scientific Name: Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd.

Common names
English: Dinnerplate tree, Bayur tree

Hindi: कनक चम्पा Kanak Champa, पद्म पुष्प Padma Pushp, परिव्याध Parivyadh, मुचकुन्द Muchkund

Marathi: कर्णिकार Karnikar, मुचुकुन्द Muchukunda

Sanskrit कर्णिकार Karnikar, मुचुकुन्द Muchukunda

Tree, 12-15 m tall; bark smooth, ash-coloured; branchlets ferruginous-tomentose. Leaves polymorphous, obovate to orbicular or oblong, cordate, sometimes peltate at base, coarsely serrate at margin, entire or sinuately lobed at apex, 18-32 x 10-28 cm, grey-tomentose beneath; stipules multifid, caducous. Flowers axillary, solitary or in 2 or 3 flowered cymes, fragrant; bracts semilunar; bracteoles laciniate, caducous. Sepals linear-oblong, obtuse, 11-12.5 x 0.7-1.4 cm, fleshy, densely tomentose outside, villous inside. Petals linear-oblong, 8-10 x 0.7-1.2 cm, slightly shorter than sepals, stellate-pubescent outside, white. Staminodes ca 6 cm long, clavate. Ovary oblong, 5-loculed; ovules many in 2 rows; stigma clavate. Capsules stalked, oblong, 7.5-14 cm long, 5-angled, woody and brown-tubercled. Seeds obliquely ovoid, compressed with a large membranous wing.

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