Gnovi Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam

Putrajivi - Indian Amulet Tree

Putrajivi - Indian Amulet Tree

Drypetes roxburghii


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Equisetopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Putranjivaceae Genus: Drypetes, Syn Putranjiva
Species: Drypetes roxburghii
Scientific Name: Drypetes roxburghii Syn Putranjiva roxburghii Wall.

Common names
English: Child-life Tree, Child’s Amulet Tree

Hindi: जियापोथा, पितौजिया, पुत्रजीव Putrajiv

Marathi: जीवपुत्रक Jivputrak, पुत्रजीवी Putrajivi

Sanskrit अपत्यम्जीवः Apatyamjivah, पुत्रंजीवः Putranjivah, श्लीपदमपहः Shripadamapah

Habit Trees up to 12 m tall.

Trunk & Bark Bark dark grey with horizontal lenticels.

Branches and Branchlets Branches slender drooping; branchlets angular, pubescent when young.

Leaves Leaves simple, alternate, distichous; stipule triangular, acute, caducous; petiole 0.4-1 cm long, nearly glabrous, planoconvex in cross section; lamina 5- 9.5 x 1.5-3.5 cm, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-ovate, apex acute or slightly acuminate with blunt tip, base asymmetric, margin serrate, chartaceous, dark green and shining, glabrous; midrib nearly flat above; secondary nerves 9-12 pairs, slender; tertiary nerves reticulate.

Inflorescence / Flower Flower unisexual; male flowers in axillary clusters; female flowers axillary, solitary.

Fruit and Seed Drupe, ellipsoid, with persistent style

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