Shevaga - Drum Stick Tree

Shevaga - Drum Stick Tree

Moringa oleifera


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Order: Capparales
Family: Moringaceae
Genus: Moringa
Species: M.oleifera
Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera Lam.

Common Names:
English: Drum stick.
Hindi: Senjana. Marathi Shevaga


  1. Habit and Habitat: It is a small deciduous tree ,fast growing . Terrestrial habitat.
  2. Distribution: Native to Asia but also naturalised in Africa and tropical America.
  3. Morphology:
    Leaf: Alternate, petiolate, non-sheathing leaf base, compound, bipinnate, exstipulate.
    Inflorescence: Cymose inflorescence.
    Flower: Asexual, fragnant, surrounded by 5 unequal petals.
    Androceium: 5 fertile stamens, polyandrous, unequal filaments. Anthers in the fertile monothecal stamen.
    Gynoceium: Carpels 3, united in an unilocular superior stiputate usually curved and hairy unilocular ovary, style one, ovules many, biseriate anatropous on parietal placentation.
    Fruit: A Capsule.
    Seeds: 3 winged globular seeds, white papery.
    Flowering Time: April and June (twice a year).
  4. Propagation: By seeds and stem cutting.
  5. Importance:
    It has nutritional and medicinal value. Fruit is edible. Has economic value. Cultivated through out tropics.
  6. Location:

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